Our Mission

At Frequency, our mission is to create environments where people can thrive—where people are happier, healthier, and more deeply connected with their internal energy and wisdom. 

We recognize the profound impact the built environment has on individuals' emotions, shaping their interactions, decisions, and overall life experiences. Our approach to transforming this vision into reality is centered on the real estate development community, where we:

  • Offer consultation services to real estate developers and property managers, guiding them in implementing human-centric and science-backed modifications to their environments.

  • Establish partnerships with technology, service, and product providers to create environments that positively influence people’s feelings and biological health.

  • Serve as an educational nexus, raising awareness and understanding of the immense potential in prioritizing human needs within the built environment. We believe knowledge is the cornerstone of innovation and change.

  • Implement monitoring and testing to ensure ownership’s goals to improve the wellbeing of their residents are being met.

  • Help developers and owners understand the current certification landscape and make the optimal selections based on their unique needs.

Our commitment to real estate owners and developers is not just about creating buildings but about shaping ecosystems that resonate with human health and happiness. Changing the frequency of our built environments does more than just enhance the living experience for residents; it benefits owners and developers by increasing the Net Operating Income (NOI) and overall value of their properties. Therefore, our mission at Frequency is crucial not only for creating a positive impact on individuals' lives but also for ensuring the profitability and growth of your real estate investments.

Our Vision

Create spaces that elevate human potential and foster transformative living experiences to redefine the purpose and potential of real estate.

Our Values

Transformation Through Innovation

Innovation at Every Level: At Frequency, innovation isn't just a buzzword; it's the cornerstone of everything we do. From the design of our spaces to the programs we offer, every aspect is crafted to push the boundaries of what's possible, ensuring our community and properties are not just keeping pace but setting the pace.

Holistic Human Development

Growth Beyond Walls: We believe in nurturing every dimension of human potential. Whether it's physical wellness, financial health, or personal growth, our holistic approach aims to provide individuals with the resources and support to thrive, reflecting our commitment to not just better living spaces but better living.

Unified Vibrancy: Cultivating Success Across and Within Communities

Stronger Together: Our philosophy is that individual success fuels community success. We foster environments where connections are made, relationships flourish, and every member is empowered to contribute to the vibrancy and energy of the place they call home.

Sustainability and Responsibility

Purpose-Driven Impact: Sustainability is at the heart of our operations. We are committed to creating environments that are not only beneficial for our residents but also respectful of our planet. Through sustainable design and responsible practices, we aim to leave a positive imprint on the world.

Excellence in Execution

A Standard Beyond Compare: Quality isn't just in the details; it's the big picture and the enduring impression. We set the bar high in every aspect of our work, from the materials we choose to the services we provide, ensuring that excellence is not just met but exceeded.