Elevating Real Estate to New Frequencies

Uniting innovative living spaces with human potential to amplify property value and performance

Buildings that support well-being yield higher engagement, loyalty, and net operating income.

Key Benefits:

  • Create properties that stand out in a crowded market through innovative technology or wellness features, whether new developments or retrofit solutions.

  • We can help increase the value of real estate, leading to higher sales prices or rental rates, longer retention and less turnover.

  • By prioritizing wellbeing, owners can elevate their brand, becoming synonymous with excellence and forward-thinking in the real estate market.

  • Capitalize on incentives, including tax benefits, which reward sustainable and health-focused development. This alignment not only enhances financial performance through operational efficiencies and incentives but also underscores a commitment to advancing sustainable and well-being-centric living environments.

  • Contribute to the flourishing of communities by promoting wellbeing and enhanced connectivity. These efforts not only improve the quality of life for residents but also set new benchmarks for responsible development, inspiring a more conscious approach to creating living environments.

  • This approach can help in establishing credibility, attracting potential partners, and ultimately contributing to the project's long-term success in the real estate market. Stay ahead with trends that last.

  • Adopting Frequency's health and wellness-focused design principles leads to increased productivity and reduced absenteeism. This approach fosters an environment that supports mental and physical health, translating into a more engaged, efficient workforce and a noticeable decrease in downtime due to health-related absences.

  • By promoting sustainability, wellness, and healthier living environments, you appeal to a growing market segment interested in these values.

The wellness real estate market is booming, with a projected annual growth of 16% through 2025. With an increasing demand for well-being-focused living spaces, Frequency positions your property at the forefront of this trend, ensuring your investments are perfectly aligned with market demands.

Wired For Wellness:

77% of Millennials saw a healthy, balanced lifestyle as “very” or “extremely” important in 2020

A Next Gen In Need:

70% of Gen Z say their mental health needs the most attention or improvement.

People increasingly see their well-being as tethered to their homes.

Once viewed as separate spheres, well-being and environment are viewed as inextricably linked by today’s consumers.

Let’s Work Together

Join us in redefining real estate for the better. Let’s create spaces that not only change lives but also enhance property performance and value. Start the conversation today.

Contact: jnell@afrequencyproject.com

We tailor our approach based on your buildings’

and tenants’ unique needs.

  • Review resident demographics, align with developers on project goals and intentions, and consult resources, experts, and vendors to craft an implementation strategy.

  • Share research outcomes and propose timeline, scope, and customized solutions and vendor team.

  • Work with experts and vendor teams to execute the plan and prepare collateral to educate and engage residents.

  • Evaluate success and make modifications accordingly.

Amenities & Innovations

Biophilic Design

Interventions such as green walls, plantings, and natural furniture reduce stress levels by up to 60%.

Color Schemes

New palettes recommended by the Design with Science expert group enhance emotional well-being.

Air Quality Improvements

Filtering, purification, and monitoring decrease the likelihood of depression, increase productivity, and reduce disease transmission all while improving HVAC efficiency.

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