Our Story

At Frequency, our journey was ignited by a moment of reflection and inspiration experienced by our founder, Peter Stuart, during the unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic. As Peter walked the deserted streets of New York City, he couldn't help but notice the stark absence of the vibrant energy that once pulsed through the bustling metropolis. Amidst the emptiness, a profound realization dawned on him: the true value of real estate lies not merely in physical structures, but in the energy and connection fostered by the people within those spaces.

It was during this solitary stroll, amidst the eerie quiet of a usually bustling Broadway, that Peter's vision for Frequency began to crystallize. Contemplating the worthlessness of once-thriving commercial properties in the absence of human presence, he saw a clear opportunity to revolutionize the way we approach real estate development. The question lingered in his mind: What if we could redefine real estate to prioritize the energy and well-being of its occupants?

With this epiphany as his guiding light, Peter embarked on a mission to create spaces where people not only feel at home but also have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Drawing from his own journey of rediscovering home within himself during the confines of lockdown, Peter envisioned environments that resonate with positivity, vitality, and a sense of belonging. Thus, Frequency was born—a beacon of innovation dedicated to crafting spaces that nourish the soul and empower individuals to thrive.

From the deserted streets of a pandemic-stricken city to the vibrant landscapes of our transformative projects, Frequency's evolution is a testament to the power of vision, resilience, and the unwavering belief in the potential of human connection. As we continue to pioneer new frontiers in real estate development, guided by Peter's personal journey and our shared commitment to enriching lives, we invite you to join us on this extraordinary adventure toward a future where every space is a sanctuary for growth, inspiration, and collective well-being.